The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) is one of the oldest drama schools in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1861, it quickly established itself as a centre for excellence in performance training. LAMDA has provided theatre and the world of film and television with generation upon generation of first class actors and expertly trained stage managers across the world. It is also one of only three drama schools in the Conservatoire of Dance and Drama (CDD). LAMDA began offering speech examinations to the public in the 1880s. Since then, these examinations have been refined and developed into a comprehensive system of performance evaluation by experts in education, acting and communication. In addition to being the UK’s largest statutory speech and drama awarding body, LAMDA Examinations has a reputation of excellence across the globe.

The Benefits

LAMDA examinations are designed to equip learners, whatever their age or aspirations, with a range of skills that will serve them throughout life. LAMDA’s overall mission is to improve standards in communication and spoken English by fostering an appreciation of literature, poetry and drama and supporting individual development.

The Communication Examinations help students develop an appreciation of literature, the skills required to organise arguments and ideas into structured speeches, confidence in speaking both in conversation and to a group, presentation skills, a clear and focused speaking voice and positive body language.

The Performance Examinations help students develop creativity, vocal confidence and physical presence, empathy and an understanding of the impact of language.
In addition, by developing an understanding of good teamwork and empathy, students are equipped with the skills and confidence to integrate with children from other countries and cultures.

Preparation for an Examination can unlock the imagination and creative-thinking, develop communication skills, refine technical skills and artistry, and promote team-working.

The examinations themselves provide learners with an opportunity to:

    • measure progress against an international standard


    • make contact with expert practitioner examiners outside the immediate teaching environment


    • build self-confidence and self-esteem


    • acquire skill certification for career development


    • receive critical appraisal and guidance for future development
LAMDA Exams Available at Centre Stage
At Centre Stage, introductory examinations are designed to introduce learners to creative expression and to the LAMDA examinations framework. Learners will develop the ability to share a poem and respond to simple questions with confidence, while also enhancing their memory and recall skills.


Communication Exams – Reading for Performance
Reading for Performance examinations helps to develop key life skills, as self-confidence and maturity are needed to put together your own recital. Learners also prepare and memorise introductions, linking sentences and conclusions for their recitals – invaluable presentation techniques that are applied throughout life. As with all LAMDA examinations, the development of a clear speaking voice and good body language are an integral and positive product of the exams, helping learners to improve their communication skills across the board.
Communication Exams – Verse & Prose
LAMDA examinations in Speaking Verse and Prose, use poetry and prose to develop effective oral communication skills that will prove invaluable throughout life. Performing texts from memory develops strong presentation skills and a good speaking voice. Equally importantly, memorising a number of pieces encourages self-discipline and focus. From Grade 4 and above, where sight-reading is introduced, these exams also help candidates to think on their feet.
LAMDA Performance – Acting Exams
LAMDA examinations in Acting use the preparation and performance of dramatic scenes to support the development of self-confidence and communication skills. By portraying other characters, learners can explore a range of different personalities and emotions, which in turn makes them more emotionally aware and empathetic. Exploring different characters also allows learners to get to the heart of how feelings and emotions dictate behaviour, encouraging them to become more self-aware. As with all LAMDA examinations, the development of a clear speaking voice and good body language are an integral and positive product of the exams.
LAMDA Accreditations & Recognition
LAMDA has been recognised as an awarding organisation by Ofqual, the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulations in England, and the corresponding regulatory authorities in Wales (DfES) and Northern Ireland (CCEA).

There are many benefits to being a recognised awarding organisation with Ofqual:

  • It gives confidence to students and employers that the qualifications are delivered by an organisation whose integrity, resources and competence have been independently checked.
  • It informs those who use the awarding organisation’s qualifications – students, schools, employers etc. – that the qualifications are monitored and are of the advertised standard and level.
  • If the awarding organisation develops qualifications for specific trades or industries, it gives assurance that the qualification is suitable for those specific or specialist needs.
  • It allows the awarding organisation’s qualifications to be transferred throughout Europe as part of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and can enhance the standing of the awarding organisation’s qualifications in countries outside Europe.