Established In 2007, Centre Stage Productions provides high quality children’s musicals, touring from the London’s West End theatre district and primarily organises events in the United Arab Emirates.

Past productions include The Gruffalo, Gruffalo’s Child, Stick Man, Tiddler, Snail & The Whale, How To Catch A Star, The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark, The Jungle Book and Burglar Bill. The idea was born when Helena became a mother herself and wanted to attract well known theatre companies to the region to tour their creative shows and expose younger audiences (her son included) to high quality, interactive, live theatre entertainment.

You can often find Helena sitting amongst the audience at each show to simply watch the children and how they respond to the entire theatre experience, these children who she considers her most honest and valuable critics!

Helena handles all aspects of the events including sponsorship, marketing, school sales, logistics and manages 2 – 3 events per year.