Public Speaking is essential to life. Our Public Speaking classes for children will work to increase their confidence while speaking in public, using a wide variety of fun theatre games and techniques to build confidence and improve oral language skills and vocal skills such as developing vocal projection and clarity. We will also integrate body language and its purpose and importance of non-verbal and verbal communication to support the subject matter and engage the listener. These classes are ideal for children that wish to improve their confidence speaking in public, whether that be at school with their teachers and peers or while making new friends.

Children will have the opportunity to participate in LAMDA’s communication examinations which provide the opportunity to develop a clear speaking voice, positive body language and self-confidence by exploring different uses of spoken English. The benefits of the exams are listed below.



LAMDA Graded Examinations in Communication in Speaking in Public are designed to develop the skills necessary for effective oral communication and public presentation. These examinations will benefit native English speakers as well as those for whom English is a second language. Learners who prepare themselves appropriately will develop oral language skills, technical skills, knowledge of oral communication skills. 




1 Oral Language Skills – Select, structure and shape subject matter into a coherent and concise speech


– Adapt language and form to audience, purpose and situation where appropriate


2 Technical Skills – Build skills in vocal projection and clarity of speech


– Match tonal register to audience, purpose and situation where appropriate


– Integrate body language, notes and visual aids where appropriate, to support the subject matter and engage the listener.


3 Knowledge of oral communication skills – Have a knowledge and understanding of the techniques required for speaking in public.